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Singer-Songwriter Adegail on Being Who God Created You To Be

I try to use all of my skills to equip, empower, encourage and educate women and men alike to be all that God has created them to be.
— Adegail

What a delight to chat with singer-songwriter, Adegail (such a lovely name!). Currently based in the U.K., Adegail has two singles available for your listening pleasure, including her latest song Strength. Enjoy this conversation and be sure to follow her on Instagram to keep up with her music.


WG: Where did you grow up and what were your interests in your growing years?

Adegail: I grew up in church, in England, and for as long as I can remember, music has been a part of my life. I started playing the guitar at age 10 and that continued throughout my life. I also was in a gospel choir in primary school and have continued singing in and directing choirs since then. That developed into leading worship at age 18, doing covers online, and now writing and releasing my own original songs.

WG: When did you start writing and singing?

Adegail: I only started writing properly in 2019 but started singing and performing in church choirs when I was in my pre-teens.

WG: What are you most proud of in the work that you do?

Adegail: The fact that I’m able to empower other people to use their gifts and talents. My work and the effort I put into it inspires others to do the same. I’ve seen this in particular over the last two years when I started doing iRadiate workshops and events to equip musicians globally.

WG: What has been your biggest struggle as an artist/ creative?

Adegail: Being brave enough to do things creatively that haven’t necessarily been done before, while also using the resources I have and just trusting that God will make it all work out …. (He always makes a way!).

WG: Is there a verse, quote, or life mantra that you live by?

Adegail: We are blessed to be a blessing. Shine your light.

WG: What has God shown you as you continue to grow in your craft or career?

Adegail: Obedience is not about our convenience many times. Being traditionally very shy, I have learned to overcome ‘self’ to be effective for the Kingdom of God and my community.

WG: What do you do to rest and pour into yourself?

Adegail: Being part of a loving, like-minded community is important and helps me a lot. I listen to a lot of music, as you can guess. Reading the Bible is also the obvious way to recharge as there really are no substitutes.

WG: Who inspires you and why?

Adegail: I particularly get inspired by women of colour who are trailblazing within their chosen industry - starting from my own mother to Sarah Teibo (UK), Tasha Cobbs, and even my childhood inspiration, Tori Kelly. I take inspiration from a range of creatives known and unknown - I think that’s important.

WG: Tell us more about what you do and how you empower the community of women around you.

Adegail: I’m a singer-songwriter, guitar tutor, event organizer, worship leader, and more. I try to use all of my skills to equip, empower, encourage, and educate women and men alike to be all that God has created them to be. It’s an honor to be seen as a role model in various spaces.

WG: Anything else that you want our readers to know about you?

Adegail: I’m excited to host my third live recording later this year and look forward to sharing some new songs at the right time!

We are blessed to be a blessing. Shine your light.
— Adegail

Click to enjoy adegail’s latest single.

Kendolyn Walker is a creative based in Harlem who serves as producer and founder of The City Love Collective: City Love on the Radio, City Love NYC and the City Love Picnic.

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