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A Moment with Sarah Téibo

Whatever you do, do not limit GOD.
— Sarah Téibo

Editor’s Note: In the pandemic year of 2020, Sarah Téibo graciously blessed us with an Instagram live interview. She waited up into the wee hour of the night to be on NYC time at 7pm even! We wanted to feature her so that our readers would have a chance to get to know her, in the event they missed our original conversation.

Though born in the U.K., I also grew up in Nigeria in a home filled with music. My earliest memories of music come from listening to Motown classics with her from the age of three or four. Both of my parents are music lovers, and my mother, in particular, listened to a lot of classic Soul, R&B, and Motown music. My dad loved a bit of African High Life, so you could say I had a good balance of contemporary and traditional music, which to a large extent has influenced my taste in music - both what I enjoy listening to and what I write. I started singing in church choirs at the age of 10 and I struggled to find music I loved based on what I was accustomed to listening to but gradually found some great urban/ contemporary artists, including The Clark Sisters, Fred Hammond, Kim Burrell to name a few. By my teenage years, I was writing songs that were greatly influenced by R&B, Jazz, and Soul with an infusion of Gospel.

My first single was released in 2015 and I’ve since gone on to release 3 studio albums with my latest being Restored. I write and share music that I hope reaches and bless as many people as possible. The core message of the songs on the albums is one of encouragement and inspiration. In life, we experience different kinds of setbacks and need to hear uplifting messages ever so often. I personally experienced the tragedy of losing my mother during the process of recording my second album in 2017. It was a very difficult time for me and I found it hard to see the blessings that were around me because of my loss. Songs from the album turned out to be a source of strength for me, especially the title track ‘Keep Walking’. This is why my prayer has always been that everyone who listens to my music would find encouragement for whatever situation they might be passing through. My mother is my inspiration. She taught me faith, resilience, and the importance of creating a lasting legacy for the next generation.

Although it’s been a mixture of highs and lows, I am most proud of being able to constantly write, produce and release music.

It can feel very tasking, especially when coupled with the all-important promotion and marketing activity that needs to go along with it but what I think makes it all worthwhile is seeing and hearing from the thousands of people who not only listen to my music but also tell me first-hand how they’ve been blessed, touched and in some instances even healed by listening.

Although it’s been a mixture of highs and lows, I am most proud of being able to constantly write, produce and release music. It can feel very tasking, especially when coupled with the all-important promotion and marketing activity that needs to go along with it but what I think makes it all worthwhile is seeing and hearing from the thousands of people who not only listen to my music but also tell me first-hand how they’ve been blessed, touched and in some instances even healed by listening. All of this gives me a real sense of accomplishment.

I think one of the biggest ‘flaws in the system’ of the music scene today is the way we consume music. This is because we’re now in a culture that has drifted from the practice of paying for music and immersing ourselves in entire projects (aka albums) that take us through a musical journey, to consuming music for free and in short doses (aka singles). Unfortunately, I don’t think this is sustainable for independent, self-funded artists like myself and possibly for the music industry as a whole.

Through everything God has taught me to be receptive to what He is doing through my gift and also to be responsive to what is happening around me as I continue to hone my craft and ministry.

Faith is not just what we profess, but how we conduct ourselves and demonstrate ourselves as an extension of God’s kingdom on earth. I think living out our faith practically cannot be done if we are not walking in love with those around us - including those we may think are undeserving.

In dealing with the pandemic, I have learned the importance of taking things one day at a time. I have learned to cherish every moment spent with my family. My husband and two daughters are my biggest supporters so our time together is so important to me.

Sarah’s Seven

  1. I’m currently listening to Red Hands and Manor Collective

  2. All my music is available on all streaming platforms

  3. My favorite space to perform is Big Church Day Out. This is the UK’s largest Christian festival and to see tens of thousands of people raising their voices in worship, gives you a taste of what heaven must be like.

  4. I enjoy going on retreats and spa breaks to have some much-needed ‘me time’ and also to reflect.

  5. I don’t binge TV shows lol!

  6. My favorite song to perform is ‘Blessed.’

  7. My favorite verse is “I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭121:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

My final word to you, the reader is this: Whatever you do, do not limit GOD. Thanks for spending time with me today.

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