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Anika Dara Reminds Us To "Enjoy The Moment"

Anika Dara Reminds Us To "Enjoy The Moment"

By Kendolyn Walker

“Whatever inspires or influences me I want to reflect that but I don't want to ever feel like I have to use someone else's voice.” - Anika Dara

Meet Anika Dara, a Brooklyn-based singer, and songwriter whose self-described simple yet eloquent lyrics are accompanied by whimsically soulful vocals.

I had the awesome chance to talk with her the day after her very first release, Enjoy The Moment. We had a delightful conversation about her inspiration and process for writing the song as we sat in our Harlem and Brooklyn homes via Zoom. We also discussed the meaning of the song and how it applies to the beginnings of a relationship. This tune has a nostalgic 90s R & B feel, with a memorable chorus, which reminds you that every good relationship is built from friendship.

Kendolyn: Anika, thanks for joining us today. On your website, you describe your voice as soulful, I would love to know what God has shown you specifically about your voice as you wrote and recorded "Enjoy The Moment"?

Anika: During the recording process, God used someone else to let me know that I have a fast vibrato that needs to be under better control & that I need more studio experience. This was great because no one's ever told me that and I appreciated the constructive criticism. God also showed me that I'm ready, despite not being able to do all the things I wanted or planned. I've always been confident in my vocal ability but had been feeling out of it. During the recording process, my voice was under a lot of stress and I felt ill-prepared. I was encouraged to hear that my vocals came out well under the circumstances, but knowing that I can do way better made me excited and gave me something to look forward to.

I can't escape the fact that I still need to embrace my own sound. I used to pride myself on being able to sing anything but, during the recording process, I realized the last thing I want to do is make music for me while sounding or feeling like it would be better if I sounded like someone else. I want my highs to be my highs and my lows to be my lows. Whatever inspires or influences me I want to reflect that but I don't want to ever feel like I have to use someone else's voice.

Kendolyn: What was the inspiration for "Enjoy The Moment"?

Anika: It was inspired by an unlikely friendship that turned into one of the closest relationships I've ever had. Walking through life navigating through all the demands, expectations, truths, and realities of the relationship. Being present throughout the process and learning experiences. And enjoying the moments meant to be enjoyed along the way.

Kendolyn: What do you do to rest and pour into yourself?

I say no. I need regular alone time. I usually only do what's necessary and what's edifying. I try to lead a well-scheduled, well-disciplined life, and other than that live in a place of rest. I have fixed times to spend with God other than the unscheduled times with Him throughout the day. I try to go to bed at 9 PM, take naps, eat well, and exercise. I also try not to neglect hobbies excluding singing, dancing, listening to music, etc.

Kendolyn: What was your most recent TV show binge? Why did you like it, or why didn't you like it?

Anika: Last night I binge-watched "The 12" which is an animation based on the book of Revelation. I also watched "The Dark" which is an end-times kind of series as well. I liked the action and the drama of it. I also like how it relates to the world today. I wish "The Dark" had more seasons & perhaps a bigger budget. I wish there were more episodes of "The 12" as well.

Kendolyn: If you could collaborate with three people, on a song, who would it be and why?

Anika: Three people on three different songs? If I could collaborate with three people on a song it would be Peter Collins, Matthew West, and Jonathan McReynolds. Peter Collins is amazing on guitar and I'm interested in hearing what the vocal harmonies would sound like. Matthew West and Jonathan McReynolds are just two of my favorite songwriters. Matthew West is so creative. Jonathan McReynolds also expresses himself well on topics that really resonate with me.

Learn more about Anika and her inspiration for Enjoy the Moment by watching our video conversation below and visiting her website.

Kendolyn Walker (music editor for Wit+Grace Magazine) talks with singer Anika Dara.

“Enjoy The Moment” is available on all streaming music platforms.

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