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Meet Damaris Giha

Meet Damaris Giha

I was so happy when my sister-friend Damaris Giha accepted my invite to sit with me and share her story. I wanted to know what prompted her to take a leap of faith and quit her day job to become a full-time singer/songwriter. In our interview, we talked about her inspiration and how creatives can stay true to the calling that God has given them.

Check out the video and enjoy getting to know her!


What has God shown you specifically about your voice?

Taking this leap of faith forces me to trust that my voice is worth being heard. Like most artists, I’ve struggled at some point with feeling worthy. There are days when I don't feel good enough to reach success. But leaving my job is a statement of faith that I am good enough, that I am called to this, that my voice and my songs are worth being heard. I believe that God is affirming that it's okay, even good, that I write music that's not worship music and that I can still have a successful career and bring Him glory through it. My voice still blesses people.

What was the inspiration to do so?

I knew since 2019 that I wanted to pursue music seriously, and I tried to do it while working "full time +,” as I like to call it. But really, Ari Herstand's "How To Make It In The New Music Business" was the real push. It's like a Bible on how to be a successful independent musician. The passage on day jobs really resonated, specifically his conviction that creatives need to have day jobs where they work with their hands so they can preserve all the precious brain juice for their art. And then I read the section about the one-year plan. This involves getting the highest paying job you can (or staying in my current corporate job, for me), aggressively saving up, seeing as much live music as possible, and preparing to leave in a year for full-time musicianship. Reading that, something in my heart clicked. I knew this was what I had to do. There was no question, no "Maybe I'll consider this." My heart quickened, and I knew there was no other option for me. I believe that was the Holy Spirit confirming this desire in my heart.

What do you do to rest and pour into yourself?
I read a lot of fiction, mostly fantasy and sci-fi, or fiction by Black women authors. I recently read Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams, a novel about a young black woman trying to make sense of her heart and past trauma after a breakup, and I "Oooooh, chile!"-d A LOT. I stress-baked quite a bit during the pandemic, which ideally I'd like to take into a less-stressed life. I practice yoga regularly and love taking care of my body, which includes skincare, stretching, self-massage, and walking around my Crown Heights neighborhood. When I can get out of the city, I adore hiking, kayaking, and most outdoorsy or water activities. Moving my body and striking up conversation with folks, strangers or otherwise, always makes me happy! Also, naps.

What was your most recent TV show binge? Why did you like it, or why didn't you like it?

There are three:

1) The Chair - Sandra Oh is DIVINE in absolutely everything she does; the lady has a Midas touch. Watch it simply for her, or her incredibly funny on-screen co-professor Holland Taylor.

2) Lupin - I missed the first wave when Season 1 aired last year, so I caught up recently and watched Season 2. It's a fun James Bond x Sherlock Holmes x Ocean's 11 vibe that we don't get to see Black people in a lot, and just loved seeing Assane win in super impossible situations.

3) Modern Love - A cute and mostly compelling anthology show, although I felt the lack of major protagonists of color. I'm about to embark on the second season, so I'm looking for that to be better this time around.

If you could collaborate with three people, on a song, who would it be and why?

Ugghhh, an impossible question. Off the top of my head, there are three pairs, kind of an either/or situation.

Childish Gambino to bring a vibrant, "produced R&B" sound to one of my songs (which tend to feature more live instrumentation), Doja Cat to rap on this feature and be sexy in a music video with (I've got a major crush on her).

Donny Hathaway or Aretha Franklin, as the King and Queen of Soul. Both were incredible songwriters and I find myself imitating them.

PJ Morton, as he is another one with a Midas Touch. The man is a genius, so much soul, and melts me every time.


Kendolyn Walker is a creative based in Harlem who serves as producer and founder of The City Love Collective: City Love on the Radio, City Love NYC and the City Love Picnic.

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