A friend introduced me to SAULT, a British music collective a few months ago. However, I didn’t do a deep dive until recently, and was mad I waited so long. “Son Shine” is the track that I played repeatedly on Spotify, and then to discover more of their amazing, uplifting sound truly enlightened my soul. This was the music I have been looking for, new music that is centered on God and faith.
I want to share some of my favorite SAULT tunes in hopes they will brighten your day as they do mine.
My brother once told me to trust that God is bigger, when I once told him of a situation where I felt I did not do my best. I asked what he meant by that and he replied to say that God knows all, and as you did the best you could do, He was already working on your behalf. This song reminds me of that moment.
“God Is In Control” has also been on repeat as a gentle reminder of His hand on my life. Not to mention these words feel like complete rest. The lyrics are sung in Portuguese, which to me adds a heavenly element as most Portuguese songs transport me to a beach or tropical situation.
God is in control always, always
God is in control always, always
God is in control always, always
God is in control always, always
Let's be okay
God is on your side
To show the light
Hold on!
You only need love
Need prayer
Need faith
Let's be okay
God is on your side
To show the light
Hold on!
You only need love
Need prayer
Need faith
Let the son shine, through my pain
Son, we will rise…
Your love's protecting me
Your love's protecting me
Your love's protecting me
Your love's protecting me
Your love's protecting me
You're always there when I need
“Son Shine” is a good start to each day. A cheery, lighthearted groove with a good beat. I enjoyed this piece for awhile, and recently I think I uncovered its meaning. Son Shine seems to refer to God’s Son, Jesus! Thoughts? Am I making this up? I took a good look at the lyrics, but specifically the ones above give me this interpretation. Also the spelling of “son” to stand in for “sun.”
My favorite lyric backs my critique:
“Let the son shine through my pain.”
There has been many a moment, where grief has left me paralyzed, stewing in my emotions but still showing up for friends, my job(s) and everything else in my day. And, somehow, I am able to continue and function because of Jesus shining through my heartache and pain. It’s a comforting play on words, and the feel of the tune hug the lyrics, complimenting the message.
Singer - songwriter Natalie Lauren gave me the concept of continuing during an Instagram post she made during the pandemic in 2020. It has stuck with me, and given me permission to carry any and every emotion into my day as I show up. I would offer that it is only because of my relationship with the “Son” that I am able to continue as His love shines in my life, no matter what I am dealing with or going through.
“[Verse 1]
Oh, oh Lord
Protect me from
All that is not yours
I need change
As I’m waiting
I’m safe within your hands
Your hands
Oh Lord
[Verse 2]
Oh Lord
I lost my way
Lead me to your hope
Have my faith
And my patience
I’m safe within your hands
Your hands
Oh, oh”
“Safe Within Your Hands” carries a modern, gospel technique. The chorus immediately gives nostalgic vibes as it reminds me of Sunday services growing up. The lyrics speak directly about God and how we can often lament about making choices that were not in our best interest but in understanding the necessity of relationship with Him, we find peace that helps us forgives ourselves and move forward. Even the chords played are a unique collection of keys that sound a bit chaotic and scattered in a way that makes sense. Our relationship with Him continues to bring us home after storms have cleared.
As the words address the daily relationship in walking with God, I think of morning devotions and trusting in His control and peace. “Protect me from all that is not Yours” leads my mind to Psalms 84:11.
Psalms 84:11 New Living Translation (NLT)
The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.
In this tune, the vocalists affirm that relationship with God is enough. Such a beautiful reflection in understanding that whether good or bad, we are always safe in His hands.
A funky, uptempo beat gives the foundation for this track of appreciation. The lyrics in “Higher” speak to being grateful for the feeling that comes from existing with God, that loved one or significant other. It almost sounds like a piece from the late 80s / early 90s. The lead vocalist sings with an energy that complements the music orchestration wonderfully.
“Higher” went to constant rotation when I started noticing it in the THIS IS SAULT playlist on Spotify. My favorite lyrics plead with the subject to understand how mandatory their existence is as the lead sings emphatically “I need you in the world.” Another fun point is towards the end, as background vocals come in these affirming words, “And I love you very much…And I’m thankful for your love.”
Another good song to start your day.
“Pray Up, Stay Up” is an incredibly feel-good tune. Notes of R&B, strong jazz keys, and an old school hip-hop bass line give this track all it needs to live at barbecues during the summer.
The words implore the listener to remain in prayer, while keeping one’s head held high. The words sung by the background vocals state, “They tryin’ to keep us down” and other lyrics with similar meaning. The more I listen, I understand this song speaks to oppression. It’s a rallying cry to continue to fight while clinging to God’s hand.
“Pray up, stay up, pray up
(Can’t keep me down)
Pray up, stay up, pray up
(They tryin’ to keep us down)
Pray up, stay up, pray up
(How you gonna keep me down?)
Pray up, stay up, pray up
(They tryin’ to keep us down)
Pray up, stay up, pray up
(How you gonna keep me down?)
Pray up, stay up, pray up
(Just wanna keep us down)
Pray up, stay up, pray up
(It’s just to keep us down)
Pray up, stay up, pray up
(They wanna keep us down)”
Kendolyn Walker is a creative based in Harlem who serves as producer and founder of The City Love Collective: City Love on the Radio, City Love NYC and the City Love Picnic.